Thanks for the heads up on the hotel doccie. I saw it on my feed, but 4 hours is daunting...

I'm not sure I agree that MS releasing COD on Gamepass is a good play. If we look at the TV/movie streamers, they have spent huge money on big projects in order to keep subscribers, yet it's arguable that the long tail of 'low-brow' content like cooking shows and last decade's so-so movies are doing that already and at a far better price. Instead, it seems that streaming ultimately devalues a property's culture significance, and I think the same will go for Gamepass games.

I predict this will turn COD into a husk of its former self, leading to more monetisation ploys such as generic spin-offs and relentless cosmetics punting. Eventually, we'll be reading articles about the COD that once was and how nobody cares anymore. Ditto for Diablo as well.

Microsoft is cashing in on storied game franchises to try and bolster the fortunes of a race-to-the-bottom subscription model. Pretty soon, we'll also be complaining when it raises prices to start making up for these follies.

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Narrative open world racing game… That sounds interesting, but probably not very easy to pull off

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