An interesting and in-depth theory on the shifts in the gaming market.

My theory is simply that headline gaming is no longer an affordable hobby and the market is stretched across a record number of gaming options.

But my theory barely fits on a napkin, so go read this one instead!

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Very good read.

However, i do not actually forsee how or what innovation in distribution would look like, aside from more movies, and that seems unlikely to me (also would not affect me personally).

I however do see lots of possibilities for immediate content innovation, with the various forms of generative ai.

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Thank you for the article. It's one of the most interesting things I've read related to work lately.

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Fantastic article. Would be super curious for your predictions on what distribution changes we might be in for.

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I applaud you for trying to put into black and white a global vision of innovation in such a complex applaud you for trying to put into black and white a global vision of innovation in such a complex industry. It is of enormous help. It is in blockchain gaming and play to earn where this interplay of forces is perhaps most clearly seen. Thank you for your always valuable contribution Joost.

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